Friday, February 6, 2015


As mosy of you know Khloe had a Cardiology appointment on Wednesday. At this appointment she had a sedated echo, an EKG and an appointment with her doctor to go over results. The echo was a bit difficult for her; the sedation made her very aggitated and cranky. After fighting it for about 20 minutes she finally fell alseep, only to awaken about 20 minutes later with the echo only partially finished. She was given a rescue dose of anesthesia and was able to sleep through the rest of the echo, the EKG and her visit with the cardiologist.

Khloe's cardiologist is Dr. Michelfelder, he is incredible! He always takes his time and explains everything very thoroughly so that it is easy to understand. He explained some of what we already knew, the echo shows a very large hole in the upper part of Khloe's heart and a small hole in the lower part of her heart. Surprisingly these hole aren't affecting her too badly at this point; we have been very fortunate that she has managed to do so well. The real problem for her is with her Mitral valve. What we originally thought was that her valves did not develop correctly and split into the two separate valves on that side of her heart. With this echo they were able to see that the only valve that is deformed is the mitral valve. The way this valve has formed has caused leaking in this valve;Dr. Michelfelder believes this is what is causing most of Khloe's symptoms and the reason that she is in beginning stages of heart failure.

It is time to start talking about surgery, Dr. Michelfelder is presenting her case to the board of surgeons either this Tuesday or next Tuesday about getting her on the books for surgery. He said to expect to have the surgery within the next few months. So the time is here now, before I know it my baby will be having open heart surgery. To say I am terrified does not even begin to cover it. This experience thus far has been the most challenging thing I have ever gone through and we have been so lucky that Khloe has thrived in the ways that she has. This journey is just beginning and we still have a long road ahead. Continued thoughts and prayers are welcomed and much appreciated.