Wednesday, May 7, 2014


As most of you know I have been working at Planet Fitness since November, when I informed them that I was pregnant they were completely on board with everything. My manager just wanted to know how long I planned to work, I told him that as long as I was able to I planned to work all the way up until delivery. They were happy with this and have told me on several occasions that when I do end up taking my leave that things will be crazy there. I have been praised countless times about how wonderful of an employee I am and that I am such an asset to the company, etc...

Well, apparently they have changed their views, I have been forced into taking leave early. They called me this morning and informed me that they feel it would be best for me, my baby and the company if I took my leave starting now so that I could rest and remain healthy. I have NEVER told them that I need rest, I have not taken days off of work, I have been late a few times due to appointments, but it has been very rare and never more than an hour late. Did I mention that this leave is unpaid? I am so furious and hurt by the actions of my employer.

You also may have noticed recently that we have been looking for a new place to live because we have to be out of our home by May 30th. I am beyond stressed and worried at this point. I have been the sole support for our family for a while now, which has led to a severe dent in our savings account. AJ has recently found work, but he isn't guaranteed full time hours and so far hasn't been getting 40 hours, but at this point something is better than nothing, but he is still searching for something better. We are at our wits end. We don't know what to do or how to do it. Khloe could come at any time, if she isn't here within the next 3 weeks then they will be inducing me for medical reasons.

How are we going to provide a home for ourselves, Brooklynn and Khloe when she comes? How could my job completely screw me over like this? How are we supposed to move forward when every time things start to look up we get knocked right back down again? Does anyone know of anything that can help us out?

I am reaching out to you all because I don't know what else to do. We are doing everything we can, but we just don't know what else to do at this point. I am pretty much at my breaking point and I think AJ is getting to his as well. Anyone who has advice, resources, info of any kind is greatly appreciated, and prayers as always.

Thanks Everyone!

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