Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ups and Downs

Since receiving a diagnosis from the cardiologist there have been many ups and downs that we've gone through as a family.
We've had the worries of the unknown, having to wait until Khloe is born to know what will happen and when, not knowing if she will have down syndrome or if she will be developmentally on track; just to name a few. The stress of it all is unbearable at times and I wondered how we would make it through everything. I've worried and played out so many scenarios in my mind as to how things could go.
However after weeks of waiting we've finally gotten our tests results back and there's no indication of any trisomies, while there is a 3% margin for error it appears to be safe to say that Khloe does not have down syndrome! 
I am considering this a small victory because honestly the thought of raising a child with down syndrome was even more terrifying than facing surgery. I wouldn't have known how to do it. I am amazed by moms who are able to raise children with disabilities,  I just truly feared that I wouldn't have been able to do it.
For now the waiting game will continue until she is born.

In the meantime I am now awaiting a biophysical profile to make sure that the placenta is still attached because the results from testing after my fall on friday revealed a bleed which could indicate a placental abrubtion. I have this scheduled for Thursday afternoon so keep us in your thoughts and prayers please.

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