Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Khloe had her first visit with the cardiologist at Children's yesterday. We started off with vitals and an EKG. We are happy to report that she is now 8 lbs 2 oz, which means she is getting enough to eat and gaining weight well and this is a very good thing because many babies with this type of heart defect have troubles with eating and therefore fail to gain weight. The cardiologist explained to us that Khloe has a hole in the upper part of her heart between the atria, but from what they can see there does not appear to be a hole between the ventricles. Her valves are affected as well though, basically since the heart didn't form fully there was no separation of the valve into two separate valves. She just has one large valve and it is leaking into her right atrium.

So, what does all this mean? Simply that her heart did not fully develop which caused the hole and only one leaky valve rather than two tight valves. Her oxygen rich blood and her oxygen poor blood is mixing in her heart which results in oxygen poor blood being sent out to the body. Also, blood is leaking back into her right atrium because of the valve.

However, since she is doing well and only mildly symptomatic at the current time we are able to put off surgery for a little while so that she has time to grow, which will make the repair easier for the surgeons. If she does begin showing more symptoms though they will do surgery sooner. As of now the only symptoms that we are consistently seeing is that she will turn blue around her mouth and nose, and her palms and feet turn purple.

My job right now is to keep her eating well and gaining weight while making sure to carefully monitor for symptoms of heart failure, when we see symptoms of heart failure that means it is time to go in and fix this right away because her heart has been working too hard and will stop if not repaired. The cardiologist told us to expect for surgery anytime between two months old to six months old, hopefully closer to the latter.

For now we will continue monitoring and keeping up with cardiology appointments until it is time to prepare for surgery. It is terrifying knowing that I am watching and waiting to show signs of heart failure. You never expect this kind of thing to happen to you. We all think that we are exempt from these types of things, but obviously that is not the case. How do you knowingly sit back and wait for your baby's heart to begin to fail so that they can do open heart surgery on her? I am worried that I will somehow miss the warning signs or not realize them until it is too late. I am scared to go back to work and leave her with someone other than me. I don't know how to handle the worries and fears that go along with this.

Please continue to pray for our family.
Thank you!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


First off let me say that I am embarrassed and ashamed to be sharing this but I'm desperate and need help.

We are not going to be able to afford our rent for July.  My unemployment has been cut off and AJ's job is so awful he's hardly getting and hours.  So I have absolutely no income coming in whatsoever and on a good week AJ's check will be $100. We were just barely able to scrape up enough money to pay June's rent but there is no hope for July.  We have tried everything to come up with the money to no avail. We have applied for rental assistance through multiple associations and none of them are helping us, I'm assuming because the funds just aren't there. 
So we are desperately asking for your help. We know that things are tight for many of us, but if you can spare $5 or $10 to help us out it would do so much for us. We have to come up with $650 to pay rent by July 1st. I am linking the gofundme page I had previously set up for Khloe and any donations we receive now through July 1st will go towards our rent.
Please consider helping our family during this desperate time.  We really need you all. Fortunately I will be returning to work mid July and things will get better after that;  we just have to make it that far.
If we do not pay rent for July our landlord will file for eviction and then we will have nowhere to go, my parents have already told me that we aren't able to stay at their house and all of AJ's family is in Florida.  Please help us from losing our home.
We are doing the absolute best we can to provide for Brooklynn and Khloe but we are at a point where we can't do it alone right now. 
If you could find it in your heart to help us we will be eternally grateful,  and as always please keep us in your prayers.
